Friday, November 7, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

Did you ring out the old and ring in the new with another New Years Resolution? Well, this New Year is like any other and is simply the dates on the calendar changing again.

While you may have decided to make a resolution again this year to change some aspect of your life, or your whole life this can be done at any time, and on any day regardless of the date on the calendar.

Somehow we believe that the beginning of a New Year is the time to make the changes necessary to have this year be better than the old year. It's a time when we resolve to make minor or major changes, yet you will still need to make adjustments during the year to reach your goals, to make those changes you deem necessary. So part of your New Years resolution is to know that you will need to make changes during the year, not just at the beginning.

Obviously, in order to make those changes, the first change you must recognize is what you need to change in you. So often the change you want is for those around you to change, and then your circumstances will change. However, the change you seek is not external to you it is within you. It is not about others changing it is about you changing yourself and by doing that your circumstances, and those around you change.

The reason you seek change is because you are desperate to break the cycle that you have been in that is uncomfortable and just not working. You seem to be pulled into this vortex of reoccurring negativity, because you have become pessimistic and don't believe that certain changes are possible. It's almost like you're swimming in this vast ocean at night and you can't get your bearings. You're so lost that you can't decide whether you want to meet your fate of being swallowed alive by the sea, or if you want to see the lights on the distant shore and muster the energy to swim to safety. Are you going to allow your emotions to take over your life, or will you let your logic, experiences, and your intuitive self make those changes necessary to have a fulfilled life. The fulfilled life I'm speaking of is where you're healthy and happy, where you have great relationships with everyone, where you're financially secure, and where you're connected spiritually to a higher source.

If the New Year is the only time you believe you can make resolutions it's time to make a resolution to make a plan for the rest of your life, not just for a few weeks or a few months at the beginning of the year, and then to slip off into oblivion again. It is time to always maintain an optimistic view, to summon the strength and courage to change, and make an effort to remove yourself from that black hole and step into the light.


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